Have you ever heard the term “mind entertainer?’
Hearing this for the first time?
Maybe this is the reason why you don't see progress in your actions!
Keep reading if you’ve ever found yourself moving in circles, feeling like you are investing a lot of time and energy, but not really seeing any meaningful progress in your business.
Doubt or not knowing what to do causes a huge block in you energy flow. In fact, doubt is so powerful that it prevents you from moving forward. These are powerful energies that keep you in the same place.
However, as long as you feed them, you have an excuse to keep yourself in your comfort zone! If you are not sure, it justifies not taking any action, so in your mind, it's okay to stay stuck until you find out with certainty what the "right" next step is.
Understanding how doubt affects us leads us to recognize a deeper truth about our behavior...
So you have this question in your mind, and you think to yourself:
If at least I had this answer, I would do something about it.
In a way, if you are very honest with yourself …
Not knowing what to do is pretty comforting.
It's a perfect excuse to not face the real fears that will show up when you do know what to do.
So you enroll yourself in a course or hire a coach with the intention to get your answer and then finally move toward action.
You think to yourself, "That's it! After clarifying this question, I will move forward and will powerfully step into the world of action."
You are there now, taking that amazing course, feeding your mind with great new information.
Your ego is high, excited; you are feeling great. Or maybe you are at your coaching session; you ask your question, and what happens?
Magic! You've got your answer!
Now you know exactly what you should be doing; the next step is crystal clear. You leave the call, the seminar, the course feeling really good about all the knowledge you gained.
This excitement and clarity often lead to an unexpected outcome...
You go back home fueled with information and guess what?
You do nothing!
You think that "the work" was the call, was the course. And I am here to tell you that this isn't true!
The real work begins when you start taking action, when you do something with the information you've got!
To protect you from feeling like a loser, what does your mind do? Creates another question, infuses your system with more doubt, preventing you from taking action.
You show up again to another course, to another coaching call with a different question, not a follow-up from the previous one, but something completely different that is now your new biggest challenge without even trying or experiencing what was previously suggested to you.
If you resonate with that, you are a mind entertainer, and this could be the biggest reason why you are not seeing the results you are seeking.
Like one of my teachers says, some people are here for the experience, to eat the food, to try all the flavors, and some will be satisfied looking at the menu only and never really tasting anything.
Which one are you?
We are not mind entertainers because we choose to be …
In reality we are making a choice, but it is on an unconscious level.
We become mind entertainers because we are so stuck in our own thoughts that they block us from feeling.
We become numb, and this numbness keeps us in our comfort zone, making the satisfaction of knowing something new enough instead of pursuing the realization of our desires and experiencing all the challenging emotions that arise when we take real action.
Leaving this space is actually painful, but if we are not willing to feel the pain, we don't live the life that we want to live.
Understanding this root cause empowers us to take meaningful action...
If you don't want to be a mind entertainer anymore, there are some steps you can take to safely move from your comfort zone:
Begin by being around people who take risks, who are passionate about life. This is contagious, and it will inspire you to do the same.
Then decide for yourself that you will pursue your dreams and goals. Thinking of them is no longer enough; you want to experience them.
Be honest and see what is blocking you from taking action and seek support.
Start training your mind that you will be taking actions from now on and following the advice you are receiving from qualified people.
Be curious about your uncomfortable feelings and allow them to exist without pushing them away.
Next time you show up for a coaching call or a course, ask a clear question.
Even if the question is "I don't know what is next," these calls can help you figure out what makes sense for you to work on, and then DO IT.
Then, follow up about the actions you took, what worked, what didn't work, what you learned.
In this way, I can guarantee, you will move forward powerfully, understanding that THE REAL WORK, is done in the space between the advice you receive and the courses you take.
We are almost reaching the middle of our Sacred Planning Rituals Challenge, and it's beautiful to see how people open up when they create space to dream. With the right structure in place, they know their long-term vision will transform into a beautiful reality.
Lack of clarity is one of the biggest reasons why people don't move forward. Creating space to clarify what's important to you and what you want to experience is extremely important if you want to change your current situation.
However, having a clear vision without a plan, or being unable to translate your big vision into small daily steps, is likely a recipe for failure too.
One thing is very clear to me: FEAR, when used wrongly, is the number one enemy of beautiful dreams. You can have a clear vision translated into small steps, but if you don't know how to develop a healthy relationship with your fears, you'll remain blocked.
That's why I decided to share this simple exercise on how to deal with your fears.
Don't stay stuck in your mind - allow yourself to feel it all. Make these feelings safe, and practice them in life. Breathe deeply into your belly, pause, and face it. Face the emotions you don't want to feel, and set yourself free.
Who We Are Celebrating
Cj TruHeart
This week I had the pleasure of connecting with CJ Truheart, whose journey from a shy 75-pound wrestler to a passionate martial arts wisdom sharer deeply inspired me. His understanding that helping children starts with supporting parents resonated strongly with me, as I navigate my own journey of learning to communicate better with my kids.
I admire how CJ is bringing his vision to life through multiple channels - articles, podcasts, and even songs - transforming his 30 years of martial arts experience into wisdom that can help families thrive.
It's beautiful and inspiring to see someone so dedicated to making a positive impact.
You can check out his work here
Here is what I want to share this week …
Helping people build a different relationship with their fear has been a big part of my work. We often don't realize how much our emotions can move us forward or keep us stuck when we don't know how to handle them.
Using your fears as a guide and actually committing to face the things you would usually avoid because of fear is extremely powerful. For this reason, I would love to share an adventure Phil and I had a couple of weeks ago.
He is someone I admire greatly, as he is deeply committed to his vision and dreams. He doesn't allow his fears to stop him; instead, he takes exactly the approach we teach and chooses to follow fear's guidance.
We went on a zip line experience about 2 hours from São Paulo. We climbed up a rock and jumped from a height of 250 meters, with a 2 km extension. The speed we reached could go beyond 100 kilometers an hour.
If you fear heights, it can be pretty challenging. Phil did it, and at the end he said, "I want to do it again."
This is freedom.
Great article and guest feature!
Oh you’ve read me well!
Insightful post. Really appreciate the insights, thank you.