Haven’t yet taken the Sacred Business Harmony Map Assessment? Create a business that truly supports your lifestyle through more time, money, and freedom.
When Carolina and I developed the 9 Fundamental Frequencies of Sacred Business, we looked closely at what makes the difference between entrepreneurs who thrive and those who struggle. These frequencies aren't just business concepts - they're essential qualities that guide how we show up in our work and life. Connection is one of these nine frequencies, alongside others like Growth, Vitality, and Simplicity. While each frequency is powerful on its own, they work together as a system to help you create a business that truly supports your lifestyle through more time, money, and freedom. What's powerful about understanding these frequencies is that you can both identify areas that need strengthening AND leverage the frequencies where you're already strong. For example, if you score high in Growth but low in Connection, you can use your natural drive for growth to help build better relationships.
Before diving deeper into Connection, I recommend taking our Harmony Map Assessment. This free tool will show you which frequencies are strongest for you right now and which ones need more attention. It's the best way to understand where you are on your Sacred Business path and what to focus on first.
Now, let me share what we’ve learned about Connection through our own journey from burnout to balance. When I (Phil) was facing that golf ball-sized tumor in my neck and Carolina was struggling with those debilitating migraines, we both discovered something profound: you can't separate your business success from your personal wellbeing. They're deeply connected, whether we acknowledge it or not.
This understanding of connection impacts two key areas:
Confidence: When you understand your place in the bigger picture and truly feel like you belong
Purpose: When your business goals line up naturally with what matters most to you
What Connection Looks Like in Practice
When you're connected, you'll notice:
You feel at home in your own skin
Your relationships (both personal and professional) have real meaning
You communicate clearly and honestly
You trust your inner guidance
Your work and personal life flow together naturally
You can be yourself without pretending
But when connection is missing, you might experience:
Feeling alone or cut off from others
Struggling with relationships
Hard time getting your message across
Disconnect between your spiritual practice and business
Doubting your intuition
Fear of being real with others
Essential Practices
1. Business Entity Meditation
20 minutes | 2-3 times per week
This meditation helps you build a real relationship with your business as something alive and growing. It's not just visualization - it's about opening up to receive guidance about your work in a deeper way.
What makes this different is how it brings together three elements: you, your business, and something bigger than both. With regular practice, you'll likely notice:
Clearer sense of why you're doing what you do
More trust in your business decisions
Natural alignment between what matters to you and what you do day-to-day
Pro tip: Carolina and I often use this meditation before making big decisions or when we are feeling uncertain about next steps. Many of our clients report surprising insights during these sessions.
2. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya Meditation
11 minutes | Daily
This mantra meditation opens up a direct line to wisdom while helping you find real inner peace. Through regular practice, you might experience:
Deeper trust in your guidance
Stronger sense of purpose
Natural flow between your values and actions
Better decision-making
Stronger connection to why you do what you do
Pro tip: This is a really powerful practice to do first thing in the morning, setting up your whole day for better connection.
3. Sacred Movement Practice
15-20 minutes | Daily
This practice helps you move beyond just understanding ideas in your head to feeling them in your body through mindful movement. Regular practice tends to bring:
Stronger trust in your gut feelings
Physical presence that matches how you want to lead
Natural integration of your values into your work
More confidence in business situations
Deeper connection to your purpose
Pro tip: Try this before important meetings to help you show up as your best self.
Supporting Tools
Essential Oils: Whisper Touch Blend
This blend includes oils like Jasmine and Ylang Ylang that help balance emotions and boost intuition. It supports:
Confidence: Helping you trust your inner knowing
Purpose: Keeping you aligned with what matters most
How to use it:
Before meditation or planning: Put on wrists and pulse points
Before meetings: Touch to back of neck
In your workspace: Use in a passive diffuser
For lasting effect: Mix with unscented lotion
Pro tip: I (Carolina) like using this before the Business Entity Meditation to deepen my connection with my business's purpose.
Recommended Resources
"The Fascinating Relationship Between the Heart and Brain" (3:38 mins) Shows fascinating research about how your heart affects your business decisions
"Abraham Hicks - Just Go With The Flow" (15:12 mins)
Explores how personal alignment affects business success
"The Need for Connection: Starting Within" (12:15 mins)
Shows how real connection starts with being honest with ourselves
"Hacking Human Connection" (18:45 mins)
Offers practical ways to build meaningful business relationships
Book Recommendation
"The Surrender Experiment" by Michael A. Singer
This book really changed how we both think about business. It shows how letting go of control actually leads to better results. It helps you:
Build unshakeable trust in how things unfold
See how following life's lead connects you with your true calling
Pro tip: Many of our clients read this while practicing the Business Entity Meditation - they work well together.
Your Next Steps
Read The Sacred Business Manifesto to understand the core ideas that can transform your business
Take the Harmony Map Assessment if you haven’t already, to see where you stand with all nine frequencies
Book a 1:1 Strategy Call (after steps 1 & 2) to get personalized guidance
Remember what Leonardo da Vinci said:
"Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else."
Creating a Sacred Business starts with understanding this simple truth - everything is connected. Your business success can't be separated from your personal growth. They're two sides of the same coin.