Today we explored a powerful truth: Pain and discomfort are essential guides for growth, not obstacles to avoid. Through challenging holds and edge work, we discovered how staying present with discomfort creates space for expansion.
Here's what Carolina shared that shifted our perspective:
"If we train our body to be comfortable at the edge, it becomes easier to do that in life. When we avoid pain, we keep repeating the same cycles with different experiences but the same energy. That's not why we're here."
Through mindful movement and extended holds, we:
• Practiced finding comfort in uncomfortable poses
• Explored the edge between challenge and resistance
• Released unresolved emotions through hip openers
• Built strength to stay present with discomfort
• Learned to breathe through intensity rather than avoid it
Class reflections on gratitude:
: "Looking back 20 years, what seemed like career setbacks were actually redirections to a better path. While it's harder to see in the moment, remembering this helps release resistance to current challenges.": "There's an important distinction between blame and responsibility - one diminishes us while the other empowers us."We integrated this understanding through:
- Extended holds in challenging poses like splits and frog pose
- Working with the physical edge in forward folds
- Hip opening sequences to release emotional holding
- Balance poses to build stability in discomfort
- Twists to integrate new patterns
Key Learning: Just as our bodies resist going beyond their comfort zone, our minds create stories to keep us "safe" from growth. By training ourselves to stay present with physical discomfort, we build the capacity to embrace life's challenges as opportunities for expansion.
Want to experience this transformative practice for yourself? ↓
Watch the replay (62 minutes):