Today we explored how to bring our energy fully into the present moment through fire-centered practices that build focus, simplicity and confidence in taking the next right step.
Here's what Carolina shared that shifted our perspective:
"So often we don't do what's present because our mind is three, four, five steps ahead. The energy of fire brings us to the present moment and to the one thing that really matters. Like if your house is on fire - nothing else matters except dealing with what's right in front of you."
Through intense movement and breath practices, we:
Built strong foundations through leg work and core engagement
Used breath of fire to intensify presence and focus
Practiced balance poses to ground in the now
Released future-focused mental patterns
Connected earth and fire energies for grounded action
Member reflections on presence:
"I noticed the doubts come in - 'Will this be successful?' But those are just floating clouds. What's important is coming back to this step, what's most important right now."
"People get stuck thinking way beyond, and ironically that blocks the opportunity right in front of them. As we take the next step, things become clearer and easier."
We integrated this understanding through:
Fire poses to activate core energy
Warrior sequences for strength and presence
Plank holds to build focus and determination
Balance work for grounded confidence
Twists to integrate mind and body awareness
Key Learning: The only productive use of future thinking is excitement - using it to energize present action. When doubt arises, return to the body, the breath, and the one clear next step available now.
Want to experience this transformative practice for yourself? ↓ Watch the replay (58 minutes):