My Dream Is Your Dream: The Power of Collective Vision
When others' joy amplifies your own magic
In our embodiment class for entrepreneurs, we dive into something most business strategies never mention – the profound wisdom of our bodies.
Have you ever noticed how you can know exactly what to do to succeed, yet still feel stuck? That's because while your mind holds the strategy, your body carries deep subconscious patterns that either lift you up or hold you back.
Through movement and embodied awareness, we access these hidden patterns and transform them in ways that thinking and planning alone never could.
It's like having a conversation with parts of yourself that traditional business approaches can't reach.
January was dedicated to embodying commitment – feeling it in every cell of our being, not just understanding it intellectually. We worked with the subtle yet powerful patterns that often block us from fully committing to our vision and dreams.
Together, we explored fears that make us hesitate, self-doubt that keeps us small, frustration that drains our energy, and dissatisfaction that clouds our vision – all those emotions that sneakily steal our attention from what we're building and prevent us from committing to what truly lights us up.
In this last week of the month, after working through our blocks, we shifted to focus on what will actually move us forward – the elements that will bring our vision into reality faster.
We allowed our bodies and minds to experience the deliciousness of being creators, believing in possibilities, and embracing the joy and playfulness that emerge when we dare to imagine all the marvelous things we want to manifest.
It was a beautiful dance between grounding our energy and allowing ourselves to expand even more. We connected with our light, our brightness, and found peace in detaching from outcomes while still nurturing our desires.
But what I really want to share with you is my own experience at the beginning of our last class.
I asked our Sacred Growth Club participants to share parts of their vision – not the metrics or details, but the feelings they anticipate when manifesting their desires.
As they shared, something magical happened: I felt their joy becoming my joy, their excitement flowing through my body. It was pure evidence that everything is connected.
Your experience is my experience.
My dreams are your dreams.
While they might take different shapes in the physical world, we all share the same core desires – to experience more of who we truly are, to find more ease, to embrace more joy, to express more love.
When you allow yourself to experience these feelings through others, your own power grows exponentially.
Because you're reinforcing your ability to magnetize through feeling all the feelings now. You're living others' dreams through their shares, and this is precisely what transforms your inner desires into outer reality.
I want to express my deepest gratitude to this community, to Phil, and to myself for creating such a beautiful group – one that celebrates success in others, dreams together, and isn't afraid to share struggles in service of overcoming them.
You don't need to be part of a formal community to experience this magic – though in my experience, it enriches life so much. You can assess if the people around you are adding to your vision by noticing their reactions when you share your desires.
What are the most common responses you get?
Do they focus on possibilities, or do they list all the things that will make it hard?
Do they encourage you to follow through, or do they remind you of all the risks you'll face if you dare to try?
Do they celebrate your ideas with genuine excitement, or do you hear a cold "cool" before quickly changing the subject?
Pay attention to these reactions. If most responses you're getting oppose your desires, maybe it's time to look for new relationships and expand your circle.
This shift will help you align more deeply with what you desire and accelerate your journey to making these dreams your reality.
There is nothing more powerful than surrounding yourself with like-minded people who share a vision and support each other in bringing it to life!
If you're curious about how embodiment work can accelerate your business growth and want to experience the power of transforming subconscious patterns through movement, I invite you to learn more about our Sacred Growth Club community.
Here, we combine business strategy with body wisdom, creating results that go far beyond traditional approaches.
With love,
P.S. You can read all previous editions of the newsletter here, and you can upgrade your subscription here.
What’s next?
Carolina and I are ready to support you in creating a business that aligns with your heart's calling. Here's how we can help:
Discover Your Sacred Business Alignment (Free): Take the Harmony Map Assessment and read our Sacred Business Manifesto to understand where you are on your path and how to move forward with clarity and confidence. Perfect for entrepreneurs wanting to understand how everything in their business connects.
Read the Sacred Business Manifesto (Free): Learn the core principles of building a Sacred Business through our founding story and framework. See how we transformed our approach to business by understanding that everything is connected.
Sacred Business Network: Connect with heart-centered entrepreneurs who understand that success comes from alignment. Monthly connection circles, community workshops, and ongoing support through our private community space. Get the encouragement and collaboration you need to grow.
Join Our Next Implementation Challenges: Action-focused programs like the Sacred Business Planning Rituals Challenge and Substack Growth Challenge help you create real momentum in specific areas of your business. Free for Club members, discounted for Network members. Be sure you are subscribed to be notified when the next one is offered live.
Sacred Growth Club: A complete support system with weekly embodiment classes, live coaching calls, writing circles, and expert workshops. Designed for entrepreneurs ready to build sustainable success through proven practices while staying connected to their purpose. Includes full access to the Network and all challenges.
Be The Flow Coaching (1:1): Personal guidance combining strategic business planning with energy alignment work. Weekly coaching sessions plus full access to Sacred Growth Club benefits. Ideal for entrepreneurs seeking deep transformation and sustainable growth in their business.
🔥 Carolina! This is exactly what I've been HAMMERING HOME for years! The energy you bring to this conversation about collective vision is FREAKING POWERFUL! keep pushing this message. This is the kind of content that changes lives. And to everyone reading this - stop overthinking and START DOING. The opportunity is NOW.