I’ve been describing some of the typical ways taking a fragmented approach can play out for an entrepreneur, but there are many more warning signs that one might be stuck in this way of being.
Maybe it's …
… Looking at the calendar and feeling dread as you recognize your days are full of commitments and obligations you don’t want.
… Waking up with a lack of energy or “zest” to get yourself dressed and meet the day powerfully.
… Feeling a lack of clarity. You find yourself going back to your planning docs every month and constantly rewriting the plan, taking things in a different direction. Maybe you don’t even have a plan.
… Or experiencing high levels of stress and burnout because the things you think you should be focusing on simply aren’t working anymore (or never were).
When you don't have the elevation to see what’s really happening, you’ll try anything to try to set things right.
Things like …
… Going on retreat.
… Simply “doubling down” and “working harder” to try to grind out better profits.
… Taking business and marketing courses that promise the one thing that's going to make it all better.
… Or trying to scale your business by buying into the idea that when you finally hit that seven-figure mark, things are going to feel different, and you’ll have finally “arrived” at some meaningful marker of “success” as defined by the world.
In the online business world, there is so much enticing but misguided information about how you should approach growing your business. Chances are you’ve been told the keys to your success lie in growing your group program, scaling your paid social media ads, or hiring a virtual assistant who is going to make your life so much easier.
Sound about right?
It’s so easy to be swayed or charmed by the “next big idea” that you are led to believe is going to make all the difference. You see your peers, colleagues, and other people on the internet making moves, and it’s easy to think that you should follow in their footsteps, especially if they appear to be showing the external signs of success.
But we each have our own unique path we are meant to follow. If you look toward others for inspiration, that’s fine, but thinking someone else has all the answers that you need means disconnecting from your own power and inner wisdom.
It’s all too common that entrepreneurs will get one thing working, and rather than doubling down on what they’ve created, they immediately hop to something else because they lack the focus or vision to stay the course. And in many cases, their “one thing” is based in an opportunistic way of thinking rather than being aligned with their true calling or purpose (the Sacred).
They become addicted to the dopamine rush, always seeking the “thrill of the new.”
Many business owners are being held back by staying in this pattern or cycle.
They continue to build their business on quicksand, chasing butterflies, throwing spaghetti at the wall, and remaining lost in the fog.
And absolutely juggling way too many balls to create any sort of meaningful traction.
But here’s the thing:
Carolina and I believe that in order to get to the true next level in a sustainable way, you will be required to make a sacrifice.
Now, an old tale about a Chinese bamboo tree.
According to legend, the Chinese bamboo tree takes five years to grow. During the first four years, it barely grows at all, staying underground and seemingly doing nothing. It is only in the fifth year that the bamboo tree suddenly shoots up, growing as much as 80 feet in just six weeks.
What can we learn?
First that our pursuits, much like nature, take time and can’t be rushed.

Just like the bamboo tree needs four years to lay down a strong foundation before it can grow, we need patience with ourselves and our goals.
Before patience comes trust.
The Chinese bamboo tree grows so quickly in the fifth year that it is often called a "miracle plant".
Of course, it’s no miracle at all but the outcome of years of patient and non-linear growth.
Just like the Chinese bamboo tree, we may not see progress for a while, but if we trust the process and have faith, we will eventually see the results we desire.
Time alone is not enough. You’ve really got to have the faith to stay the course when it doesn’t look like anything is happening.
What many entrepreneurs believe is:
“It’s not growing yet; I guess this location is bad, so let me dig it up and move my bamboo tree somewhere else.”
Avoid that impulse. Resist the urge to “touch it” prematurely.
Instead, decide to go all in and take a single-pointed deep dive in the path of your heart and your soul’s calling.
This is when the moment everything begins to shift:
When you decide that you are going to live in alignment and pursue who you are with the whole of your being.
It's deeply knowing your business will support the life you truly want, and the dedication to giving your all to what's unfolding in front of you—even when it seems to go against logic or what your mind says you should do.
This quote by one of my mentors, Michael Singer, really speaks to the experience:
"My formula for success was very simple: Do whatever is put in front of you with all your heart and soul without regard for personal results. Do the work as though it were given to you by the universe itself — because it was."
I sought out Michael as a teacher for this exact reason. He was a man who achieved “everything” in every sense measurable in traditional business. Yet, by his own admission, he simply sought to serve what was unfolding through him.
He was following an internal guidance system built on a deep trust in life.
We call this trust the Love-Led Leap.
Prior to the Love-Led Leap, the entrepreneur’s path is characterized by a “thrill of the new” by staying in a constant state of creation (often born from a lack of internal guidance) or a compulsive need to hedge their bets based in fear.
Both approaches are opposite sides of the same coin. Both are fragmented.
After taking the Love-Led Leap, the thrill of the new is old news.
Now, the thrill comes from a deep sense of connection and complete faith in one’s path forward. It’s an alignment with a higher calling that has become undeniable after spending time in stillness, cultivating deep desire, and strong intention.
This quote from the great mystic and Spanish nun, Teresa of Ávila, says it all:
"The important thing is not to think much but to love much; and so do that which best stirs you to love."
"The important thing is not to think much but to love much; and so do that which best stirs you to love."
Your business becomes a representation of the Sacred, and your life begins to feel simple, expansive, and delicious. When you let love lead:
✔️ You trust your path wholeheartedly. You know exactly where you’re going and that the only way there is through the resistance that comes with taking on bigger and bolder challenges.
✔️ You experience a sense of liberation and joy as you glance at your calendar, filled with meaningful commitments that align with your energy and purpose.
✔️ You wake up energized and enthusiastic, ready to embrace each day with vitality, effortlessly embodying your authentic self in every moment.
✔️ You possess utter clarity in your goals, effortlessly navigating your path forward with a well-defined plan that remains steadfast, guiding you toward success with precision and purpose.
✔️ You experience deep inner peace, effortlessly managing your energy and avoiding burnout as you align with strategies that resonate intuitively, leading to sustainable success and fulfillment.
✔️ You no longer feel a need for external validation, as your inner guidance system has become crystal clear. You are able to self-sustain on this knowing and your loyalty to creating your Sacred Business.
This becomes enough.
✔️ You don’t need people to agree with you or to even like you. In fact, they might even look at you like you’re crazy as you lean into your highest vision of possibility for your life and business.
And you are completely OK with this, because you know deep inside that everything that is happening has been placed here in your life experience to take you where you want to go.
You take on your work with a renewed sense of purpose and all the love of your heart supporting you.
But you can’t arrive at this moment of clarity if you keep looking at things through the same fragmented lens.
The old way of operating is an illusory path. It will never lead to what you deeply desire in your heart.
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