That Story You Keep Telling Yourself? It's Costing You Everything
The brutal truth about giving away your power (and how to take it back)
I had a conversation recently that hit me hard.
Not because it was unique. But because I recognized the pattern - one I've both witnessed and lived.
Here's what it looks like:
You're stuck.
Nothing's moving forward.
The to-do list keeps growing.
Projects remain half-finished.
Emails go unwritten.
Content isn't created.
Sales aren't made.
And the stories start:
"I'm just overwhelmed right now..."
"Once things settle down..."
"I need to get [X] figured out first..."
"I just can't find the time..."
Let me be direct: These are lies we tell ourselves.
Harsh? Maybe. But here's the truth about responsibility - it's binary. You're either taking 100% responsibility, or you're not. There's no middle ground.
When we feel overwhelmed by too many responsibilities, our instinct is often to abdicate responsibility entirely. We slip into victim mode, telling ourselves comforting stories about why we "can't" move forward.
But those stories are just elegant forms of self-sabotage.
Taking 100% responsibility means owning everything - not just your actions, but your relationship to your circumstances. It means dropping the narrative that external factors are controlling your results.
"But Phil, you don't understand my situation..."
Actually, I do. I've been there. The circumstances differ, but the pattern is the same.
The moment you start explaining why you can't do something, you've given away your power.
This isn't about judgment. It's about freedom.
When you take 100% responsibility, you move from victim to creator. From stuck to possibilities. From "I can't because..." to "How can I?"
The shift feels uncomfortable at first.
It means giving up our carefully crafted reasons for not moving forward. It means acknowledging that we're choosing our current results - even if we don't like them.
But here's what I know for sure: Nothing changes until you own it. All of it.
Not next week. Not when things calm down. Not when you feel more ready.
This moment.
What would change if you stopped waiting for perfect conditions and started taking complete responsibility for your results?
What would be possible if you dropped the stories about why you can't move forward?
What could you create if you channeled all the energy you're using to explain your circumstances into actually changing them?
The answer might scare you. But that's where the magic happens.
With Love,
P.S. If this made you uncomfortable, good. Growth lives on the other side of comfort.
If you're ready to stop telling stories and start taking 100% responsibility, you're invited to join the Sacred Business Network.
This isn't another "networking group" where people share excuses about why they're stuck. It's a curated community of entrepreneurs committed to honest growth, real change, and meaningful support.
What's included:
Monthly Connection Circles where you'll be challenged to drop your stories and step into full ownership
Regular embodiment practices to help you stay centered as you face uncomfortable truths
Access to others walking this path of radical responsibility
A growing library of resources to support your transformation
The only requirement? You must be ready to own your results completely.
No more stories.
No more excuses.
Just honest growth alongside others doing the same.
P.P.S. If you're thinking "I'll join when [X happens]" - that's another story. The time for change is now.
You can read all previous editions of the newsletter here, and you can upgrade your subscription here.
What’s next?
Carolina and I are ready to support you in creating a business that aligns with your heart's calling. Here's how we can help:
Discover Your Sacred Business Alignment (Free): Take the Harmony Map Assessment and read our Sacred Business Manifesto to understand where you are on your path and how to move forward with clarity and confidence. Perfect for entrepreneurs wanting to understand how everything in their business connects.
Read the Sacred Business Manifesto (Free): Learn the core principles of building a Sacred Business through our founding story and framework. See how we transformed our approach to business by understanding that everything is connected.
Sacred Business Network: Connect with heart-centered entrepreneurs who understand that success comes from alignment. Monthly connection circles, community workshops, and ongoing support through our private community space. Get the encouragement and collaboration you need to grow.
Join Our Next Implementation Challenges: Action-focused programs like the Sacred Business Planning Rituals Challenge and Substack Growth Challenge help you create real momentum in specific areas of your business. Free for Club members, discounted for Network members. Be sure you are subscribed to be notified when the next one is offered live.
Sacred Growth Club: A complete support system with weekly embodiment classes, live coaching calls, writing circles, and expert workshops. Designed for entrepreneurs ready to build sustainable success through proven practices while staying connected to their purpose. Includes full access to the Network and all challenges.
Be The Flow Coaching (1:1): Personal guidance combining strategic business planning with energy alignment work. Weekly coaching sessions plus full access to Sacred Growth Club benefits. Ideal for entrepreneurs seeking deep transformation and sustainable growth in their business.
Yes, facing uncomfortable truths is an aspect of every success story. If you are telling a story of disempowerment, tell a new story!
Absolutely correct!