074: Your Money Lens - The Hidden Force Shaping Your Business
Why Your Relationship with Money Matters More Than Having It
Let me share a story that opened my eyes to how our beliefs about money can limit our possibilities. In my early career in corporate, I worked as an airline reservations agent. I remember till this day one guy calling to book a one-way trip from Toronto to Chicago - just a simple less than two-hour flight.
He told me he had called before and another agent said there were no seats available. He could see a flight online but couldn't complete the reservation. When I did my research, I found a flight - but here's the interesting part - it was priced at USD 8k, for a trip that usually costs no more than $200 or $300 bucks.
I offered him the flight anyway, and without hesitation, he said, "If you can book it, I will take it." As I processed his booking, I couldn't help but be curious about why he would pay such a high price. His answer was eye-opening - he usually flew private, but his charter company had an issue that day.
He had an important meeting in Chicago, all regular flights were booked, and he needed to be there. His options were simple: either pay the price I offered or spend more than double on a last-minute private plane.
Then he mentioned something that got me thinking - he wondered why the previous agent hadn't even offered him this flight.
I can't say for sure, but I believe I know why: that agent probably couldn't imagine anyone paying such a high price for this flight. Their own beliefs about money likely prevented them from even mentioning the option to the customer.
This story perfectly illustrates what Anaïs Nin meant when she wrote:
"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."
Stop for a moment and let this truth sink in.
In these few words lies the key to understanding why two people can look at the exact same opportunity and see completely different realities. One sees abundance, another scarcity. One sees possibility, another risk.
The way you perceive anything - money, success, even your own business - is actually a mirror reflecting back what lives within you. Take a simple $100 bill, for example. To someone struggling with scarcity mindset, it might represent anxiety and immediate needs - "This must be saved." To another, it could represent possibility and investment - "What could this grow into?" To someone else, it might trigger guilt or unworthiness - "Do I deserve this?"
The fascinating thing is that the $100 bill itself is neutral - just paper with agreed-upon value. But our individual "money lens" - shaped by our experiences, beliefs, traumas, and mindsets - completely transforms how we perceive and interact with it.
This is why it's so important to go deeper and reflect on your own money lens, especially when building your Sacred Business. After all, you want your business to support your lifestyle and give you the opportunity to experience more of life, right? But here's where it gets interesting - your beliefs about money might be quietly working against you.
If you're carrying beliefs like "rich people are greedy," take a moment to consider how this might be silently shaping your choices. Each time you have a chance to expand, to raise your prices, to invest in growth - is this belief holding you back? Are you unconsciously resisting success because deep down, you don't want to become what you've judged?
Here's what I want you to know - you can create wealth while staying true to your values, while making a positive impact, while being exactly who you are. Your path to abundance is as unique as you are, and that's exactly how it should be.
And this isn't just my perspective. Let me share something fascinating from one of my favorite books - Yogananda's "Autobiography of a Yogi." There is a passage where rather than discouraging material desires, the master explained that sometimes one must fully experience and exhaust certain desires to transcend them.
He shared the example of a great saint who, just before reaching enlightenment, was told by his master that he needed to fulfill his last remaining desire - to build a palace of gold. Initially resistant, thinking material desires would block his spiritual progress, the saint eventually built the palace. And here's the beautiful revelation - once it was completed, the desire was completely exhausted, allowing him to proceed to full enlightenment.
What's amazing is how this book connects karma and reincarnation not just to learning lessons, but to our unfulfilled desires. Think about that for a moment. What it's really telling us is that bringing your desires into reality isn't opposing your spiritual growth - it's part of it!
So YES, having things is sacred. Manifesting your vision, creating wealth, building your dream business - these aren't distractions from your path, they're part of your evolution. The key isn't in denying your desires, it's in not being attached to them.
This makes me wonder - how many opportunities are you missing right now because of your limiting relationship with money?
Take a moment to really think about this. Maybe you're hesitating to increase your prices because you assume everyone sees money the same way you do.
Perhaps you're holding back from investing in your business or yourself because that scarcity mindset keeps whispering "save, save, save."
Or maybe you're caught in the exhausting cycle of doing everything yourself, trying to save money while completely undervaluing your precious time and energy.
Here's the beautiful thing - when you start shifting this relationship with money, when you begin seeing it as an ally rather than something to fear or hoard, things start flowing naturally. Your ability to experience life expands, opportunities seem to appear out of nowhere, and yes, more money comes your way too. But it comes because you're making decisions from a place of possibility rather than fear.
Real wealth is about flow - it's about the exchange of value, the recognition of opportunities, and how you value others' contributions and your own worth. Being wealthy starts with a mindset shift right where you are now, and it has the power to expand your world in ways you can't even imagine.
This is why working on your wealth consciousness is fundamental to building a successful business. You become wealthy and abundant when you transform how you relate to life itself. When you understand that money's energy is neutral, it becomes a powerful tool for creation - expanding the possibilities for sharing your gifts and making an impact in the world.
So I invite you to reflect: How is your current relationship with money shaping your business decisions?
What possibilities might open up if you started seeing money differently?
With Love,
Sacred Business Network Social Mixer
Have you ever noticed how everything shifts when you're surrounded by the right people?
Next Wednesday, February 19th at noon EST, we're hosting our next Sacred Business Network call, and I want you to be there.
[If you're already part of our Network, you can find the link below in the Member’s Only Section, so you can add it to your calendar.
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This isn't just another business group – it's a sacred container designed for genuine connection. I've seen too many entrepreneurs trying to build their dreams in isolation, and here's what I know for sure: magic happens when we come together.
Think about it – when was the last time you sat in a space where you could truly share your vision, your challenges, and your dreams with other like-minded entrepreneurs who get it?
Connection isn't just about finding clients (though that often happens naturally). It's about expanding your vision of what's possible. It's about those unexpected collaborations that spark when creative minds meet. It's about seeing your business through fresh eyes and discovering opportunities you hadn't even imagined.
I know that investing in yourself can feel scary. That's why we've made this decision crystal clear: money shouldn't block your growth. We're offering a 90% discount for your first year because we believe so deeply in the power of this Network.
Give yourself permission to step into this space. Allow yourself to share your dreams with different people. Watch what happens when you expose yourself to new energies and perspectives.
There's a special kind of magic that unfolds when you put yourself in rooms with people who are equally excited about creating something meaningful in the world.
Here is what I want to share this week …
Have you ever noticed that deep inner shift that happens when you finally align with what you truly want?
I absolutely love Esther Hicks’ teachings – her way of being so direct, cutting through all the noise to what really matters. She has this gift of getting right to the core of things, especially when it comes to our relationship with abundance.
Yes, taking action is important, but cleaning up our energy around money and material abundance? That's where the real magic begins. Especially when you're starting a new business or embarking on any new journey – you don't want to build your dreams on a foundation of scarcity thinking.
The actions will flow naturally once you shift your inner relationship with wealth. It's about keeping your mind busy with abundance, feeding it with possibilities, and taking inspired steps that match the frequency you want to attract.
I found this talk particularly powerful, and I believe it will help you find that alignment within yourself first. Esther explains this connection between energy and abundance in a way that just clicks.
Who We Are Celebrating
Write Build Scale Team
Today, my heart is full of gratitude for the beautiful souls at Substack Mastermind –
, , and . When we offered to share an embodiment exercise with their community, they opened their doors with such warmth and curiosity, and the experience was pure magic.Watching them help others build their Substack audiences with such dedication and enthusiasm reminds me why I love being around people who are truly excited about their work.
Their energy is contagious, their impact is real, and their openness to explore new approaches (like embodiment!) shows their commitment to holistic growth.
Thank you, Sinem, Jari, and Philip, for welcoming this different way of learning into your community. You're creating something special, and I'm grateful for the chance to have been part of it.
Learn more about their work at