Amazing post! I struggle with anxiety, so I k ow fear very well, and I also know that whenever I manage to bust past my fearful thoughts and feelings, there are amazing things on the other side. 💜

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My goal is to keep facing them, one by one. And see all the beauty on the other side 💞

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love this Carolina!

when we think about it, we are still animals

living through fear, mostly

but the world changed a lot

the modern world is way less dangerous than it used to be

tigers don't eat us anymore 😂

so we must USE fear as fuel

instead of being restrained by it

boldness is a superpower

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I fear missing out on life because of my fear!

Loved this concise and powerful post! Applies to all aspects of life

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It really does…for me it can often be feeling like life is this amazing Buffett, and the fear of making a wrong choice with how I choose to engage.

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Jim Rohn said “the moment we were born, it got risky.”LIVING is risky. FEAR is a factor that can’t be avoid. We either face it or run from it

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So well written - love how you walked us all the way through so we could recognize all we miss when we allow fear to dictate direction.

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