When the gap between dreams and reality feels unbearable ...
I feel your pain, Phil.
Having dreams and hopes is what they say we need.
So we write them down.
And try everything to make them a reality.
But this gap is painful.
And constant.
This makes us look forward every day.
Instead of appreciating the present.
This gift.
That's why I prefer to love what I do daily.
Instead of feeling behind and never reaching anything.
Because after I reach the goal.
Then comes what?
Another goal.
An endless search.
"Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy."
-Guillaume Apollinaire
I feel your pain, Phil.
Having dreams and hopes is what they say we need.
So we write them down.
And try everything to make them a reality.
But this gap is painful.
And constant.
This makes us look forward every day.
Instead of appreciating the present.
This gift.
That's why I prefer to love what I do daily.
Instead of feeling behind and never reaching anything.
Because after I reach the goal.
Then comes what?
Another goal.
An endless search.
"Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy."
-Guillaume Apollinaire